(Photo stolen from these guys)
Dear Step-son's Girlfriend:
I have tried to like you. I have given it my best, really. When I first met you, you wouldn't get out of the car to come inside and meet me. I thought this was strange, but he said you were extremely shy. No problem, I came outside to meet you. But then I had to knock on the window to get you to roll it down, as if you couldn't see me standing there through the tinted glass. You said "hi" and looked away, bashfully. Later I found out you did the same thing when meeting his sister. We both thought this was strange, but he seemed awfully taken with you, so I let it slide.
Then he told us that your roommate was moving out, leaving you in a lurch -- you had quit your job and could you come live with us and stay with SS in his room until you both saved some money and got your own place. We said yes, because your own family was in another state and you truly seemed to have nowhere else to go. So I helped you move in when SS was out of town for a couple of weeks for work. We even had AAA tow your broken down car to our house so it wouldn't be towed away. I then took you shopping and bought you appropriate clothes and shoes so you could go job hunting. We even loaned you a car and gave you gas money so you could find a job. Yet, you never came out of your room, except when we were asleep. I had to check on you after days went by of not seeing you, to see if you were still alive in there.
Again, SS explained that you had a rough childhood and you were just extremely shy. Sure, he's naive enough to believe that. I was beginning to think you had some serious issues. Then SS asked if you two could just live with us and pay rent. Our home is big enough, you two had your own bedroom, bathroom and a large bonus room where you began collecting furnishings for your own place someday. You had your own TV area, computer area, refrigerator, and microwave in there. It seemed this would probably work okay, the only stipulations were that rent had to be paid, you had to keep your belongings picked up, and you had to find a job. If SS wanted to support you, he would have to do it in his own place, not ours. You both agreed.
Then SS's grandfather passed away. His whole family was there. You could have met all of them, but instead you sat in the car. Not once did you leave his car. Not when we were gathering before the funeral, not at the funeral home, not at the cemetery and not afterwards when we had a luncheon together. You even had SS drive you to a gas station so you could use the bathroom instead of getting out of the car and meeting his family. He explained to everyone that you were extremely shy. But to me, it was downright disrespectful, selfish and rude. I began really not liking you then.
Months went by and you didn't look for a job. You said you were putting in on-line applications, but the phone never rang for an interview and you never left the house -- ONCE. We pressured SS that you really did need to find a job -- it had been FIVE months. You said you wanted a job where you didn't have to work with people. Good luck with that one, honey. Perhaps you should go into the funeral home business. You finally found a job at Kohl's. I was ecstatic. For the first time, you were actually keeping normal hours, dressing, and showering and leaving the house to go to work.
Then I saw you and SS drive up in his car. He came inside, you didn't. I asked him why you were sitting in the driveway in his car, he said it was because you were afraid to come inside. "Why?" I questioned. He said you thought I would be mad because you didn't show up for work that day. You didn't call them. You didn't give them any notice, you just failed to show up at all. I told him, yes, that does make me mad and in fact, you two had 6 weeks to find another place to live. I took the car keys back from the loaner car you were given to drive. You must've come inside when I was in the bathroom -- then I didn't see your face for days. You're very good at knowing when I'm in my bedroom or have left to run errands. You tried to make it up by getting another job, but sorry, too little -- too late.
You had this job all of 2 weeks when you came home and told me you thought you might be pregnant and that SS doesn't realize this, but women in your family can't work when they're pregnant because they have difficult pregnancies. Alarm bells went off in my head. SS was out of town for work, and you said you would wait until he got home to do a pregnancy test. You called in sick to work. You didn't seem sick, though. You still ate and played games on the computer. You claimed you were throwing up all the time, but I saw no evidence of that -- and yes, I was watching. SS came home and apparently you weren't pregnant -- YET. But I have no doubt in my mind that you are trying your best to get pregnant, so you can trap him. So you can quit your job and have him support you. Lord, I hope he opens his eyes before you get pregnant but since this is the first time he's gotten laid regularly, I doubt that will happen. I know what 21 year old boys are like -- their hormones do their thinking for them and yes, he is wrapped around your little finger. But I'm not.
Then Thanksgiving came. SS had plans on spending it with his sister and his mother's side of the family. Which is why I was surprised to see him eating cereal at noon on Thanksgiving. When I asked him why he was eating, before he went to go eat -- he said it was because he wasn't going, because you didn't feel good. I called bullshit on that -- the first time I had been vocal about your behavior in front of you. I asked you what was wrong with you, and you got all pouty and whiney and said your tummy hurt. You reminded me of a 10 year old trying to stay home from school. Scrunching up your forehead and talking in a baby voice doesn't elicit sympathy from me. I told you that I found it extremely odd that you have gone EVERYWHERE SS has wanted to go, EVERY TIME, except when it involves family. Then, you get sick. I told SS he'd be in a lot of trouble with his sister if he didn't show up and that he should go without you. You agreed and said you were trying to get him to go and just leave you at home. He did and you locked yourself in your room.
Later when I returned from Kansas I found out that I hurt your feelings. Well you know what? Fuck your feelings.
I love my SS dearly and it kills me to see you leading him around by the dick. I regret that we ever let you move in with us -- and the funny thing is, I knew I'd regret it when we made that decision, but if we didn't -- we'd look like the assholes by leaving a young girl with no place to go. I've heard your sob stories about how your family doesn't help you, about how ex-boyfriends have mistreated you, about how friends have ditched you -- and you want to know the truth? You've brought it all on yourself. Your attitude and low self-esteem will leave you a perpetual victim to others. You better get used to it. Maybe someday you'll grow up, I hope to God you do -- because honestly, I've never met someone more pathetic.
SS left for work yesterday. He travels for work and is gone for 2 weeks at a time. Imagine my surprise to wake up and find a note on my computer from you this morning telling me that you have taken his car and have driven to Ohio to see your family (1800 miles away). That you will not be back until SS comes home and that he said this was okay with him. I assume you quit your job -- no, you didn't quit -- you just won't show up. Whatever. I am done trying to like you. It doesn't surprise me now that you didn't have the nerve to at least be respectful enough to tell me of your plans, to pack and leave during normal hours and not have to steal away in the middle of the night while we're all sleeping like some thief.
While you are gone, I would love to pack all of your belongings -- both of yours -- and put it in our garage. I know you have until the end of December to "officially" find a new place to live, but I think this last little maneuver might move the date up some.
Merry Fuckin' Christmas.
* * * * *
Please -- input. How would you handle this situation? Granted, I am just the step-mother here -- so I can't lay down the law with SS. His Dad has tried talking some sense to him, but he is really tied around her finger. But it is my house and I honestly don't want to see her face in it again. Would it be wrong of me to draw a line in the sand? Should I just keep my mouth shut until they move out? I don't want to alienate him -- but God, doesn't he see what we ALL see? It's not just me -- everyone who has met her and sees her selfish, immature ways are pretty shocked.
Suggestions, please?
Cut. The. Cord. You're being used and taken advantage of. She has to go.
I totally agree. Get rid of her, I'm sure she'll "miraculously" find somewhere to go should she no longer be allowed to freeload at your home.
These guys are too nice.
Under the assumption that you can't/shouldn't believe anything this girl says - that she told you it was 'okay' with SS to take is car equates to a lie.
Report the car as stolen along with it's probable location in Ohio.
On the other hand, if by chance SS is able to bring the turtle out of her shell and they decide to have your grandkids, you need a second option.
That being:
Wait until the contract is up. Then both you and dad gently close the door on the children with parting words along the lines of "When you grow up and can act like responsible adults, etc.etc.....come visit on the holidays, etc.etc". But in that nice way that women are always able to spew out on a moments notice.
But I still like the idea of calling the police for a stolen car.
Just heard from SS - he and DAD had a talk. SS says yeah, they've got issues but she puffs up and locks herself in the bedroom and won't talk. Issues being, not keeping a job, sitting in the car when she doesn't want to see people, and always getting sick to get out of family functions. BIGGIES.
He said she planned on going to Ohio on Friday (not Tuesday) and back in a few days - that she had some rent places to check out. Which means he probably left her a nice chunk of money for first and last months rent. Yes, he's that stupid.
I just checked. Most of her stuff is gone - just crap remains, but nothing valuable. I think she moved out and he doesn't know it yet.
I will wait - but calling the police and reporting the car stolen sounds like a novel idea. I want to find out how much money he gave her.
Oh - and apparently she got fired from her last job so she didn't have to quit. Convenient.
.... where's the bottle of wine? .....
I REALLY don't think you want my opinion. I really really don't. You won't like what I have to say at all.
But here goes.
Yup she is a loser and pathetic and rude and horrible and a mental case. But you know what YOU ARE AT FAULT. You should have trusted your insticts in the beginning. You have gone WAY too far in being kind to this girl. And the SS. Wow. He has no problem having someone he brought into the home disrespect you in this manner? He has no problem totally taking advantage of you. RIDICULOUS. Kick them both out to the curb. Done.
It is the best thing you can do for him and her. AND FOR YOU.
This is the most insane thing I have ever heard. Remember, we are treated the way we let ourselves be treated.
Okay I am done. I am sad for you.
Sorry I am such a bitch about this. But you asked.
I'll post my answer under my own name 'cause I ain't skeered.
Dude, WTF? Are you really asking for advice here, or do you just need someone to tell you what you ALREADY KNOW?
I'm not judging, I swear to you I'm not. I've taken in more than a few strays myself.
But it seems to me you already know what you should do...hell, what you should have done the first time she ditched out on work.
And I do not fucking get why stepparents aren't allowed to discipline their stepchildren. That's ri-fucking-diculous. If you are expected to live with that kid and help raise that kid, you're a parent whether you donated the egg/sperm or not.
Oh, sorry. That last bit was more a general rant than anything else.
well, you nailed it on the head when you diagnosed her low self-esteem. I think SS will thank you for putting your foot down - he probably would like to get rid of her but doesn't know how. And I bet she ain't that great in bed, either.
I have sons and I hope to high heaven that I am not writing this story in 10 years. GAAAH.
Thank you all.
To the person who said I didn't want to hear their opinion: I can handle the truth. I realize we have been waaay too lenient and we both admitted today that we've given more slack to this stranger in our house than we gave our own kids.
Steph: I really did want the advice. It does help to hear it back from others to validate what we need to do. And yes, I initially gave them 24 hours to move out when she first ditched work - but then I caved because they had no money saved and nowhere to go. My own fault for caving, shoulda kicked them to the curb. As far as stepkids go - no, in our family - he disciplines his, I discipline mine - but we are on the same page and form an alliance. But the parents are the one to do the straight talking to their own kids. It works for us.
Anonymous: Yeah, sounds like he's looking for a way out now. So that's good.
But I told husband that I'm done. No more. Not even to the end of the month. They will have to move out when he gets home - period. If they don't have a place to stay they can sleep in their car or rent a hotel room. He'll deliver the news to his son.
Scuttlebutt, re-reading my comment, I winced.
I'm absolutely not judging you for posting this and wanting advice - I'd be double- and triple-checking myself, too.
I think I reacted strongly because I've been in your shoes. (Although, thankfully, they were MY friends, rather than the significant others of my kids.) It chaps my ass when good people get taken advantage of by the users of the world.
Also, whatever works for your family is what's best. I'm feeling a little...defensive about our household and comments that have been made about my husband being a stepdad, so I get a lil crazy there. ;)
Steph, I didn't take it as judging... just clarified the whole step-kid thing. I think each family does what works for them and this way has worked for us.
You need those hugs more than I do, I think, but thank you anyway. :)
{{{{Scuttlebutt}}}} Also? You have to update how this comes out. I, for one, will remain curious until it's resolved.
Gawd, I'm a nosy heifer. LOL
Still haven't stopped laughing that girlfriend had a job at Kohls.
This being the same girl who wouldn't be the least bit socialble around family somehow comes out of her shell to sell goods to strangers?
Since you were 'strangers' the 1st day you met, she sould have talked to you...or at least tried to sell you some ear rings :)
Given how anal Kohls is about customer service (it's a good thing) I'd be willing to bet that if you (or SS) asked to see a Kohls pay stub for the time she 'worked' there, her answer would be "It was direct deposited so there isn't one". Yeah...Right!
Assuming that SS has at least 1/2 a brain - you did choose to marry his dad & you're obviously no dummy - the boy must have found some redeaming quality in the girl (besides sex). If SS desides to go to Ohio (committment) it might help you and him to know what those qualities are that attracted him to her. And even if he doesn't go to Ohio, a little self reflection does a young man good every now and then....5 minutes and a beer with dad is all it takes. Guys are easy that way.
But you and dad already knew this when you wrote the post.
She really hated doing retail work - can't say I blame her, but sometimes you just suck it up and do what you've got to do until something better comes along. That's usually the way things are. She worked for Kohl's all of three days - had just finished training. Gah.
SS is a very smart guy, intellectually. But he's relatively new to the romance and relationships. He has no plans of moving to Ohio - he has a very good job and would not be able to move there. She went there to visit her family.
I do see some good qualities in the girl, I hope this post didn't come off that she's entirely despicable... she's not. They have many things in common and overall seem to be a pretty good match - but I can't see them being able to ever work through any relationship problems if she's going to quit talking and lock herself in her room. That's for them to work out though.
I just think her true colors are showing - if she truly loved him, she would contribute to their combined income - she would accompany him to family doings, etc. She's a healthy and smart 21 year old girl, they have no children (keeping fingers crossed it stays that way), and there's no reason why she shouldn't have a job (keep a job), or at least go back to school - something.
Oh - re-read my earlier comment... the part about her looking for places to rent, that would be here, where we, he, she live - not in Ohio. She was supposed to look for a rent place here BEFORE she left for Ohio. Instead she took off right after he left for work.
OMG, this is us!!! I'm the stepmom. I hate SS's loser girlfriend who lives with us and got a job, but makes my life hard in all other ways. Only we GAVE her our old car, so she could drive SS around since he doesn't have a license. I googled "hate stepson's girlfriend" and got your blog! So what ever happened? Our SS's girlfriend is currently thowing a total hissy fit because I have invited the 22 year old daughter of a friend and her roomate to come stay with us in San Francisco in March. Girlfriend doesn't want SS to have any contact with other girls. She refuses to come upstairs to see us or them, and now she's refusing to let SS come upstairs too. And he's LISTENING!! As the SM, what can I do? I hate the b*tch, but SS will never see the manipulation. We haven't kicked them out yet, but man I want to ...
Wow! Glad to know I'm not the only one in a similar situation. We too have SS's girlfriend living with us. It has been 10 days since SS called frantically, afraid his girlfriends mom was going to come home and hit her, so we said she could move in temporarily. She stays in his room - he sleeps on the couch. When he goes to work she does not come out of his room. She will speak to us but not much. In fact the other day they came upstairs and I asked if they had to work that day and after SS answered, he had to elbow the girlfriend to get her to answer. Let me know how your situation turned out. My husband and I are to figure out how long to let them stay and how to get them out when the time comes.
I'm fairly certain I have SS's girlfriend living in my house. I'm thinking about moving... and not leaving anyone my forwarding adress.
Wow, your story is eerily similar to mine. Worthless, out of work for months, girlfriend. Claims on Facebook that "I'm not pregnant.....YET." Obvious ploy to trap 21 y/o son. He's blinded by, uh, love / lust. Her family wouldn't let her move back home telling her there was no room for her. ComeON, any parent will tell you that they ALWAYS have space for their own child. That is, of course, unless the lazy bitch spent her life sitting on her dead ass like she does now. Glad I'm not alone. However, I would never have allowed her to move in to begin with sob story or not. Sounds like she's just one big excuse after another. All agreements null and void. Put her stuff on Craigslist and get rid of it if it's worth anything. Change all of your locks and notify dear SS to let you know when he would like to come by to pick up his stuff. Give the lowlife a reason to cry "POOR ME". You are being way too kind.
I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link
I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills
I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?
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